Convenience that comes with having loggers on-the-spot: You don’t need to worry about having your phone with you while you are with your baby. If you have a newborn, you are sleep deprived and logging 15-20 events a day certainly becomes a chore after a while. Cubs are designed to be placed where care happens so logging is simpler and more accurate during these busy days.
The luxury of coordinating multiple caregivers: It’s perfect for families with multiple caregivers, nannies and grandparents. Your entire family can help you without needing to pull out a phone. We consistently hear that caregivers love the buttons because they are so simple to use and keep everyone in sync.
Ability to accurately track care (milk amounts, breast sides): How much milk the baby had, how much milk mom pumped, which breast the mom fed from in their last session are some of the biggest questions new parents ask during the first 2 years of a baby’s life. Cubs allow you to enter amounts, keep track of sides as well as milk type so you have one less question in your care management journey.
Quick answers to how long ago questions: As parents, we often think about how long ago the last care event happened while we are in the moment of giving care. Think about diaper changes. You open the diaper, see a pee and think about the last time baby pooped. Cubs allow you to quickly check the time since the last activity giving you peace of mind. This feature also comes in handy, when your partner already gave the vitamin and you are not sure if you are double dosing or you can’t remember how long ago your baby went to sleep.
Real-time updates when you are away from the house: Cubs are excellent for working parents who want to stay connected to their child’s daily updates while away from home. A button press on the Cub sends notifications to your phone letting you know your baby finished 7 oz of milk, went to sleep on time and had her daily vitamin/medicine dose.
Peace of mind knowing there is no consistent harmful radiation exposure: Cubs are safer compared to mobile phones due to significantly lower radiation exposure. Cubs do not have an active WiFi signal and unlike phones, they do not act as a router. Cubs activate WiFi only for a couple seconds while transmitting data, making it significantly safer than phones if you are concerned with radiation.