Your Baby’s Journey

Hearing plays a major role in children’s cognitive development, language acquisition, communication skills and learning. Babies start hearing in the womb; first they distinguish the low frequency sounds, such as mother’s heartbeat, or the air floating in mom’s lungs. Later on during pregnancy, they start recognizing mother’s voice and even respond to it. Their ears are fully developed at 35 weeks, and they can hear pretty well at birth, especially high-pitched sounds. Talking, singing, and reading to, and babbling with your baby stimulate their brain, enhance language development, and improve your bonding.

There are 3 basic rules to look for to identify a colic baby: cries at least 3 hours a day, crying occurs at least 3 times a week and it continues for at least 3 weeks in a row. Colic crying is usually defined to be more intense, louder, and higher-pitched than regular crying; sometimes it may even sound like screaming. The crying generally happens around the same time every day. The symptoms start to occur around 2 or 3 weeks of age, peaking around week 6, then usually begin to settle down around 10th to 12th weeks.